Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Quote #3

This Friday's quote is by Barack Obama!

"America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings."

Is that so? I see a lot of muslims going around blowing themselves and other innocent people is that the same for America? The muslims consider everyone else who isn't of their faith to be infidels and think they should all be wiped out, so much for tolerance and dignity. And speaking of dignity has anyone else noticed that their wives (and other females) are treated like they're inferior and don't have any rights?

Dignity (from A sign or token of respect.

Well so much for that. Muslims make their women dress completely covered, push them around, DON'T treat them with respect, and have many wives. I think someone needs to rethink their ideas about America and Islam being the same!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez is one of my favorite artists and I was listening to her songs when this Youtube Video popped up as a suggestion. I clicked on it and watched it. You people are crazy and stupid! You saw Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber at the mall, so what? They're normal people, they do normal things, and they enjoy hanging out at malls and such places. That doesn't give you the right to follow them around, get in their way and ask them stupid questions that you want to know the answers to! In case you people didn't notice, THEY DIDN'T WANT YOU THERE! LET THEM ENJOY THEIR TIME TOGETHER!
I would hate being famous, I would probably end up hitting someone in a situation like that!


Friday Quote #2

This Friday's quote is by Confucius.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

What a quote! So simple, and straight to the point. How true this is, right? How many people choose a job and don't enjoy it? That just makes it harder for them to actually do the work set before them. On the other hand, someone who has a job they enjoy, it's barely anything for them. In my opinion a person should go for a job that they enjoy and will allow them to get by, instead of a job that they hate and make a lot of money with. It's even better when they have a job that they enjoy and make money with!


Thursday, February 16, 2012


Alright, I have a question for you. Why does everyone get all caught up in what celebrities are up to and the types of things that they enjoy and don't enjoy? I was scanning google news earlier for any interesting news and I noticed this article, Outrageous Celebrity Demands. What is wrong with these singers wanting certain foods when they're on tour? The article said that Selena Gomez enjoyed turkey sandwiches but didn't like wonder bread. What's wrong with that? And how is it outrageous? I don't like wonder bread. I prefer 8 grain bread when I make sandwiches, but nobody is going to get all crazy if I say that. So why do they think it's "outrageous" when someone famous wants it their way?
Adele also enjoy sandwiches but on hers she doesn't like, "Chili, vinegar, tomatoes or any form of citrus.." OH NO! SHE IS SO PICKY! guess what people, so am I! I like tomato, but not too much of it. and vinegar? I don't think so.
Finally in the end of the article they come out with Katy Perry's CRAZY demands. "Katy's tastes are a little weirder than her fellow pop stars. Along with a water cooler- plus a SIGG bottle for each of her crew members - the recent divorcee also demands freeze-dried strawberries." And we all know that wanting to have WATER of all things is completely OUTRAGEOUS, right? Why would she want a water cooler, when all she's doing is SINGING?! and strawberries?! really? hey people, LET THEM ENJOY THEIR FOOD! What's wrong with wanting the type of food, or drinks that you enjoy? I also love how they just HAD to point out that Katy Perry is divorced. I didn't even know that until I read this article, and guess what? I didn't need to know that! No matter what you people may think, she has a private life too! Stop following these people around just because they're famous. Don't tell us every little detail of their life! IT DOESN'T MATTER!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Absence

hey people, sorry I haven't been posting lately. I just got into a fighting class and it's been taking up a lot of my time. It's a really good fighting class. I used to think I was in great physical shape, but the teacher there has pushed me farther than I've gone before! I've been in so much pain recently!


Sunday, February 12, 2012


You know something that annoys me? It's feminists. Let me specify here before you get all angry at me, I have nothing against women, I don't go around acting like a muslim and thinking that females are way below men. Here's what does annoy me though, it's when women want to be completely equal with men, no differences. That's never going to happen, we will never be equals. Men can do things that Women can't and vice versa. Almost every man has the mental ability to go through war, to fight, to kill, and some will even enjoy it. Most women can't do that. I read this article about a lady who was serving in Iraq and while she wasn't in a combatant position she was out in a town or something with some of her friends. While they were there an Iraqi blew the head off one of her friends, standing right next to her. After that she said that she would never be able to handle combat.

If you want to be equal with us men, why don't you start holding the door open for us? Why don't you pay for the meal when going on a date with us? What's to stop us men from getting into fights with you, literal fist fights? That's not the way things are supposed to be. Men like you the way you are and we don't want you to be like us. Men and women are different for a reason, and I can honestly say that if there was a girl stronger than me or who was a body builder, I wouldn't feel attracted to her in the least. Men are better, physically, than women. That's just the way it is, that's the way God made us. Why would you want to change that?

I respect those who want to make more of themselves and want to be in higher positions than other women do, but I don't like it when a female wants to be equal or better than a guy in every way. People need to learn to be content with who they are. I have a friend that I always argue with (for fun) and we're always competing with each other, but I like her because even though we always argue about who would win in an arm wrestling match or anything like that she once told me that I'd better win because I'm guy. (I'm gonna have to find that email. I seem to have lost it.) Be content with who you are, don't try to be someone that you aren't.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Color Purple

The color purple used to be the color of royalty. I think it sometime around the 19th century that it stopped being associated with royalty. It takes 12,000 shellfish to get just 1.5 grams of pure purple dye. Wow, that's pretty crazy!

Recently people have been saying that purple is not a "manly" color, or that purple is a female's color. When did this happen, and why? guess what, it's just a color. If you're a guy and you're too ashamed to wear the color purple because you think it's not a manly color then guess what, you aren't manly enough! You can't wear a color because you think it's "just for girls"?

Here are a couple yahoo answers for you.

"It's not the color that makes a man manly or feminine. It's the man himself. If you are a manly man, you can wear any color you want and you will still look like a man. But if you are slight and feminine looking, you will look feminine in it." By Artsy,

"Well, I think it is! Purple is so hot! I mean, really, how many guys will wear purple? Only the manliest, just like with pink. Yeah, some guys think it isn't, and that's fine, but I would rather date a guy who is happy wearing pink or purple, instead of saying it's too girly. I mean, what an insult!" By Angle from Somewhere,(

I happen to like Angel's answer a lot better. I mean come on, you may think that only a gay guy should wear purple, but honestly how much balls does it take to wear a color that everyone is going to criticize you for wearing?




Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday Quote #2

"Moreover, if you are restricted in your range by poverty, if you cannot buy books and newspapers, for instance, you are but confined to the most significant and vital experiences." Henry David Thoreau.

Stop living Vicariously through others, go out and live life for yourself. Put down that book, turn off the T.V., and stop reading these blogs or facebook status's! Go out! You are not truly living until you can experience life's wonders for yourself! Are you reading a book or watching a movie about someone exploring the world? Someone living in the wilderness? Someone owning their own business? Well then stop reading or watching, go out and try it for yourself. Why shouldn't you be able to do those types of things yourself? One is limited only by themselves.


Monday, February 6, 2012

How much should I tip?

Do you ever think about how much you should tip your waiter/waitress? A lot of people don't really tip that much, they figure that they don't have to because the waitress is just doing their job. Did you know that in Idaho waitresses don't have to be paid even minimum wage? They can be paid three dollars an hour because their bosses figure they'll make up the rest of it in tips. Maybe in really nice restaurants they could, but at smaller places like Wingers they make maybe sixteen or twenty dollars in tips as an average. People need to learn how to start tipping better. I think at the least you should tip twenty percent, so if you get a thirty dollar meal then tip six dollars, twenty dollar meal tip four, etc. If you can't afford to tip well, then why bother going to a restaurant like that in the first place?


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Golden Corral

Today me and my family went to the Golden Corral. For those of you that don't know what it is, it's a buffet restaurant. I haven't been there in over a year, but today it was really good! The main food that I ate there was steak, rolls, and some ice cream. It was delicious! I haven't eaten steak in so long, I had forgotten what it tasted like. The rolls were freshly baked and had melted butter spread all over them. The instant I took a bite, it seemed to melt in my mouth. I want to go there more often now!

I had also noticed some interesting things there. First, a lot of Mexicans seem to go there. Them and old and sometimes fat white people. Another thing that I found really rude was this old lady who saw a fork laying on the floor. She apparently decided that it was in her way so she just kicked it out of the way. Really?! Couldn't she have at least picked it up or told a waitress about it? Anyways, shortly after a waitress did go and pick it up.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Other Blogs

Right underneath the title of this blog are a few links. Click on them and they'll take you to some other really good blogs. The first one "The Skaters Thoughts" is one of mine that I created a long time ago and haven't really posted to for a while. The second one "Red Headed Ramblings" is my mother's blog. The third one "Life in a Glass Dimly" is my older brother's. And the last one "Soli Deo Gloria" is my father's blog. Enjoy them!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Quote #1

As Requested by Kayla I will be talking about a quote by Johann Van Goethe.

"One cannot always be a hero, but one can always be a man." Johann Van Goethe.

I didn't completely understand this quote but this is what I've got. I have taken this quote two ways, the first is this; A hero is someone who stands up for what he believes is right no matter. They are willing to do right, even if it might get them hurt. A person can't always be a hero, sometimes we just want to retreat and go along with the crowd. A man could  be one who is just human, one who will go with whatever everyone else is doing, which is what one can always be. If that is the case, then I'm afraid that I must disagree with this quote, you don't EVER have to back down.

A man could also be one who is just what it says, a man. A man is seen as one who is strong, one who is tough and won't back down. If this is the case, then I say yes. One can always be strong if they have the will.

Thank you for your comments, please keep em coming.


Thursday, February 2, 2012


So I have this Uncle that lives over in Washington, he's my age (one month older), and one of my best friends. Whenever I go there to visit we usually go to the woods to explore/walk around. Last year when we were walking on a path, we decided that it would be much funner to get off the trail and not follow it. I always wonder why people only follow the path, besides the fear of getting lost. It's so much more interesting to go off the path and see what else there is.

I am a big nature lover, although I'm not a tree hugger. I enjoy going camping, hiking, and doing other outdoor activities. It's always so much fun. In a later post I'll go ahead and tell you about one my favorite hiking spots in Idaho. I'll even post a couple winter pictures, but for now...I'll be going.