Monday, January 30, 2012

New Science Curriculum

Today I am going to analyze an article that I found on the internet and give my opinion about it.
This article is talking about how several states and schools are thinking about changing the curriculum that is being taught in Science classes today. Some people are saying that we should begin teaching "Climate Change Skepticism" in our schools. This would be for students who do not believe in the theory of global warming and would also allow students to analyze the theory. I believe that we should teach students to think more independent and not just follow everything the teacher tells you. We should teach both sides of topics that are especially controversial in school. Such topics could be the Big Bang and evolution theories and the theory of global warming.

I think that once one school begins to teach something like this, then many others will follow their example. Today in schools the teachers are teaching only one side of a story. Look at evolution, do they ever tell you that there's a chance that creationism could be true? No. Is it really teaching if you're not helping students think about the topic? What you are really teaching students is that they should follow you and listen to whatever you tell them. Independent thinking is, in my opinion, one of the most important things that we can teach to the youth of America today; "Learning with thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous." Confucius.

Albert Einstein once said, "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. This is a good quote and in a way shows what is happening now. The schools are educating students on a topic, but are not allowing them to learn about the whole concept. They are not allowing us to see the other side unless we do the research on our own, and let's face it, almost no one is going to do that! The youth and a lot of adults are getting even more lazy, they don't let their minds wander, they don't think about subjects. We need more Socrates and Pato's today. We need more people that will actually go into a topic with an open mind and explore both sides of it, people that actually know how to think.


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