Saturday, January 28, 2012

Doing Your Work

As you may have read from my previous post, I don't really care for the education system. However, I still think that we must do well in school. Whether we like it or not, we must complete High School in order to get a good job. Unless of course, you decide you want to travel the world with no commitments getting whatever job you can at the time and making enough money to go on to the next place, which I have actually thought about and think might be interesting. I would love to just rough it, and backpack across the world getting a small job here and there and then just continuing. Anyways, I'm getting off the point here. I think that we should do well at something even if we don't like it. Just because you don't care for a subject at school doesn't give you the right to just fail it.

Last year I failed my history 1 class. I was Sophomore in High School, I'm now a Junior and I am paying for the mistake I made. I thought that I could just get away with turning in little to none of my assignments just because I didn't care for the class I was in. This year I now have to retake that History class which takes away one of my electives. If I had passed the class last year I would have an extra credit and get early release during my Senior year, but now I can't. Believe me, you should try your hardest whether you like it or not. I am still paying for failing a class.


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