Sunday, March 25, 2012

What People Don't Understand

I'm a nature lover. I enjoy hiking and camping and one day I would enjoy living in the wilderness for one month to a couple years just for the experience. A man that I admire is Henry David Thoreau. I have recently gotten his book "Walden" from my public library and have started to read it. For those of you that do not know, Thoreau went into the wilderness for two years, two months, and two days. He lived there, on his own for that time just enjoying life.

I was on Yahoo Answer earlier just putting in different things and came across this-

"I am a former longtime boyscout and outdoor enthusiast so survival would be a challenge but very possible. I have become very upset with the direction society has taken and would like to live in a remote undisturbed wilderness location for 1-3 years to search for the answers of life that I can not answer in such a jaded society. ~ Jett

I think this is a very good idea, as you already know. It should be an exciting experiment to go out for 1-3 years just living in the wilderness. I would enjoy doing something like that sometime. However, as I was reading through the answers I came across a few that I found interesting.

"Yes you can. i have been unemployed for the last 4 yrs at a university. Same difference. you will probalby find it very unpleasant out there. maybe you need to stay in contact with people. you need to find friends and get educated. there you will find the answers to life. when you come out of the wilderness in three years, you will probably find your self so different that you will run back in the for good. you won't live a long life due to no medical care. wouldn't you rather make money and visit the planet than be broke and live in the woods? i hope that you don't make any foolish decisions." ~ Careful

"I don't see why you would want to do that. I guess it would be legal as long as you aren't trespassing on private property." ~ Josh

"I would not totally live in tha wilderness maybe you could live in a camper or RV in tha woods but not completely." ~ brandy c

These three people are the ones with answers that I do not agree with. I'm going to respond to them, and then I'll respond to the answers that I enjoyed.

In response to Josh and Brandy C-

You two do not fully understand the minds of some people. There are those of us that actually enjoy experiencing life and living it to the extreme. There are those of us that would enjoy living in the wilderness with no modern day technologies just to see what it's like. Josh, you may not want to do something like that, and that's alright but some of us find it quite exciting. Brandy c, Why would we take a camper or RV along with us? Part of the experience is living without these "comforts" of life. A tent maybe, or even better, going out and making your own shelter. Why take along a vehicle when that's the type of stuff that we're trying to escape?

In response to Careful-

First I would like to address that second to last sentence you have right there. "wouldn't you rather make money and visit the plant than be broke and live in the woods?" That's a good question and I can't answer for Jett, but I can answer for what I think. Money isn't everything, in fact for people that know me, they can tell you that I wouldn't care if I had almost no money. Also, who says you can't visit the planet without money? Sure it would be hard to go overseas, but you don't need money in order to travel, you only need basic survival skills. I would love to live in the woods and not have to worry about money or any of the other things that society tells you that you need these days.
Living with no medical care? That's fine, the natives did it before we came to America. Plus there are plants out there that will actually clean your teeth and do other things to help take care of you, and it doesn't cost any money, it only requires a knowledge of wildlife and plants! Addressing your comment to a long life, how about living a short life but being happy?

Anyways, hope you people enjoyed this blog post, I may have gone a little crazy. :D


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