Sunday, February 12, 2012


You know something that annoys me? It's feminists. Let me specify here before you get all angry at me, I have nothing against women, I don't go around acting like a muslim and thinking that females are way below men. Here's what does annoy me though, it's when women want to be completely equal with men, no differences. That's never going to happen, we will never be equals. Men can do things that Women can't and vice versa. Almost every man has the mental ability to go through war, to fight, to kill, and some will even enjoy it. Most women can't do that. I read this article about a lady who was serving in Iraq and while she wasn't in a combatant position she was out in a town or something with some of her friends. While they were there an Iraqi blew the head off one of her friends, standing right next to her. After that she said that she would never be able to handle combat.

If you want to be equal with us men, why don't you start holding the door open for us? Why don't you pay for the meal when going on a date with us? What's to stop us men from getting into fights with you, literal fist fights? That's not the way things are supposed to be. Men like you the way you are and we don't want you to be like us. Men and women are different for a reason, and I can honestly say that if there was a girl stronger than me or who was a body builder, I wouldn't feel attracted to her in the least. Men are better, physically, than women. That's just the way it is, that's the way God made us. Why would you want to change that?

I respect those who want to make more of themselves and want to be in higher positions than other women do, but I don't like it when a female wants to be equal or better than a guy in every way. People need to learn to be content with who they are. I have a friend that I always argue with (for fun) and we're always competing with each other, but I like her because even though we always argue about who would win in an arm wrestling match or anything like that she once told me that I'd better win because I'm guy. (I'm gonna have to find that email. I seem to have lost it.) Be content with who you are, don't try to be someone that you aren't.


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